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Embracing SEO: A Dive into Uncharted Waters

SEO is the big player everyone's talks about but nobody knows how it works. It's the golden ticket to a spot on Google's first page, and who doesn't want that? Yet for the longest time, I've been standing on the sidelines, appreciating its potential but finding it hard to work SEO into my retainer services.

Now, things are changing. I've begun my deep dive into SEO and, though I'm not an 'SEO Master' yet (and ironically, I barely know how to swim in real life, haha), I'm excited to share my journey and hopefully, incorporate it as a service once I've fully grasped its intricacies.

Interestingly, this journey has led me to a surprising discovery: a hidden passion for writing. I used to tell myself I couldn't write well, but seeing how blogs can work magic for SEO, I decided to face the challenge head-on. Now, ideas for blog posts are brewing continuously, and I'm genuinely enjoying the process.

This endeavor is even more fulfilling as I'm fortunate to have clients who are supportive of my learning journey. We're charting the SEO territory together, making the journey both insightful and collaborative.

Reflecting on my past, I remember my previous agency had invested in a comprehensive SEO tool. It tracked everything from keywords to SERP positions to landing pages. However, the challenge was in isolating the impacts of my SEO efforts; making attribution somewhat of a mystery. Now, as I invest in SEO courses and explore the treasure trove of YouTube, I aim to unravel the complex SEO puzzle and share my learnings with you as I go.

So, here we are at the start of this exciting journey: exploring SEO, overcoming writing apprehensions, and sharing the experience with you. Stay tuned.


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